Crescent Moon Kick - A somersault kick in which Zakk's legs are apart. It launches opponents in the air, but they can duck it.
Thrust Kick - A kick that drives into the foe's stomach. It can cause foes to cough up blood, but can be reversed easily. It also has a variation called Reverse Thrust Kick, in which Zakk does the same kick, except with his back turned.
Tornado Kicks - Zakk hops and makes a 180 degree arc with the right leg, using it to hit the opponent's head three times.
Russian Punt - A classic kick to the crotch. It works very well on male opponents.
Sleeper Hold - Zakk wraps one of his arms around the opponent's head and dragsit with him as he tries to sit down. He then uses his other arm to break his opponent's neck.
Deadly Jab - Zakk sends a side chop to his opponent's rib. It can cause Respiration problems, but ineffective against robots.
Dragon's Stomp - Zakk stomps on the opponent's ribcage, smashing it. It can easily be avoided.
Gut Buster - Zakk sends an elbow to his opponent's stomach.
Closing Fan - Zakk keeps his opponent in place by locking on of his arms. He then kicks the opponent's shin with his left foot, followed by a high kick to the face with the same leg. Finally, he lets go and gives one last kick---a crescent kick!